How To Get Rid of Hard Stuck Dandruff with THIS wonder Drugstore Shampoo

Its Basant Panchami today, and like most of the Bong girls, I am also dressed up in a yellow saree. I am obsessed with yellow colored clothes. In fact amongst sarees I have five in yellow!!! Probably my Bong connection with Mustard!!!
So how is this related to today’s post? Any guesses?? Yes the shampoo I am speaking about is also YELLOW in color…But it’s not the color that’s roped me in, it’s the performance!
I am talking about the Drug store brand Selsun Shampoo.
I use this because the anti-dandruff shampoos in the market have never helped me in these extreme conditions. I do have an alternate herbal remedy which I will share with you sometime later this week.
I have used Selsun Shampoo on and off during adverse scalp conditions since I was Five. So this is a time tested product and I can vouch on it.
Note on Selsun Shampoo:
Selsun is an Anti-Dandruff Medicated Shampoo that contains active ingredient “Selenium Sulfide”. It’s recommended for a number uncomfortable scalp conditions including dandruff. The medicated shampoo is proven to control scaling, itching and flaking.
How do I Use It To Eradicate Dandruff:
- Wet the scalp.
- Apply the product directly onto scalp, massage and keep for ten minutes, without diluting. Rinse completely.
- Follow with your normal hair wash process with your mild shampoo.
- Do this for twice a week till problem persists.
Generally, you would see the difference on 4th or 5th wash.
Point to keep in mind:
It’s a medicated shampoo and I wouldn’t recommend it using it like an everyday shampoo until your Derma prescribes.
You can buy Selsun over the conter or order it online here at EBAY.