Blushes for Dusky/Wheatish Skin Tone

If you dusky and know clap your hands..”clap Clap”
If you dusky and know clap your hands..”clap Clap”
If your dusky and know and you really want to show, Clap your hands..”Clap Clap Clap”
Gone are the days in India, where a girl was made to feel under confident if she was dark or dusky. I still remember few of my older folks in family saying upon the arrival of any new bahu in the family “she is pretty, but dark”!! Hold on!!..from where on earth did that “but” come from??? The sheer feeling of Indian version of apartheid used to boggle me so much that either I used to put up a fight in front of everyone or just walk off from the forum.
But why am I getting so emotional about it now, when times have changed and dusky/ tan skin tone is considered to be exotic!!!
Anyway, so my latest muse are blushes!!. Off late l have been experimenting with the color pops that show on my skin. Before buying them I tried out my eye shadows/ highlighters/ Bronzers/ lipsticks (yes you read it correct!) which could make plausible blush colors on my cheeks and then visiting stores to find out the availble shades. I have been doing this for the past two months that the MUAs have started reconginizing me. In fact once I was there on Fiday evening and then on Saturday aftrenoon that the Inglot SA asked me “ Ma’am you were here last evening also??” And I was like “Don’t you want me to buy your stuff??”
Thats me expermenting oragne blush :).. I have applied a bit more of it to show in the pictures.. In real life its pretty toned down.
I do have few pink blushes as well which I realized long back are not my cup of tea.
Which colors to avoid by dusky damsels:-
- Pinks – Yes, the sooner we realize, the better it is. It does take a time for the reality check when we see all those rosy pink cheeks, but as I said pink is just not the colour for us, at least on our cheeks.
- Peaches- This sister color of pink also do us no good. Please ignore those peachy pink cheeks as well, how much ever we commit to blend it well. They just look so clownish and make me feel that the only body part on my face are the apples of my cheeks.
- Dark Browns: Avoid browns as they make us look more tanned and darker than our actual skin tone.
- Any blush with Sliver Shimmers: I really don’t like blush with shimmers. I would prefer a mattified look over a “cham cham” look. Still bushes with a mild golden shimmer is doable like a bronzer. But Silver---Nopes!! It’s just that Silver and tan really don’t go hand in hand, in most of the cases. Mind it..Nothing to be taken to heart!!
Which Colors the dusky damsels should experiment with:-
- Orange- This once tops the chart. You might be shocked but it’s a fact. Its gives an instant luminosity to the face. The color orange blends so well with the tan that it shows as a natural pop of color. I have posted a pic where I have used a bright orange eye shadow from Nyx as an orange blush.
Orange Eye shadows- NYX Cream Blush Orange, NYX Powder Blush- Cinnamon, MAC Honey Jasmine Blush & MAC Immortal Blush (Not sure if they are available in India), MAC Optimistic Orange Cream Blended Blush, Inglot Freedom System AMC Face Blush # 67 (This would be a more reddish orange blush)
- Corals- Another shade to allure as blush. Very similar to orange they are a warm option for dusky skin tone.
Coral Eye Shadows- NYX Tea Rose Cream Blush, MAC Fun and Games Blush, MAC Peaches Blush (don’t judge by name)
- Rose- NYX Silky Rose Powder Blush
- Plum- Inglot AMC Face Blush 66, Inglot AMC Cream Blush 81
- Wine- NYX Spice Powder Blush
- Bronzy/Golden Shades : Lakme Moonlight Highlighter and the list very long
End of the day, it doesn’t really matter what skin tone one possess till the time it’s healthy and glowing. So stay healthy and happy for that natural colour flush on your face :)